Sunday, February 27, 2011

...And Still more Parrot Tulip Pictures

Not exactly a parrot tulip, Iris danfordiae and Iris reticulata are bursting into bloom, only a few inches tall. Aren't they sweet? ;)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Look who's here...

Our daffodils finally bloomed!

These are some late starters....but they are new, and they are pink, so I think we can forgive them....;)

Either mustard or broccoli growing off the side of the porch. No idea how it got there, but it's blooming. :)

Siberian squill

While I was out with the camera, I nearly this. Sneaky thing. It pays to watch where you're going! ;)

Bluets--"Quaker Ladies," some call them

Apparently the flowers and I weren't the only things enjoying this lovely spring weather....

the budgies are probably thinking, "YES! Finally! We get to go OUTSIDE!" I guess they don't enjoy being inside during the winter, although, believe me they would have a worse time OUTSIDE in the winter. ;)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011